CHAPTER 11 Controlling Access 访问控制

11.0 Introduction

Controlling access to your web applications or subsets of your web

applications is important business. Access control takes many forms

in NGINX, such as denying it at the network level, allowing it based

on authentication mechanisms, or HTTP responses instructing

browsers how to act. In this chapter we will discuss access control

based on network attributes, authentication, and how to specify

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) rules.

11.0 介绍

项目中实现对 web 应用程序或 web 应用程序子系统的访问控制是项目的重要

组成。实现 NGINX 的访问控制形式多样,比如从网络层面实现访问控制,允许

NGINX 采用身份校验机制,或 通过 HTTP 响应引导浏览器如何操作。本章将讨

论使用网络属性(network attributes)、身份认证、跨域资源共享(CORS:

Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)原则等安全控制知识。

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