2.2 Limiting Rate 限速


You need to limit the rate of requests by predefined key, such as the

client’s IP address.


依据某些规则对用户请求进行限速,如通过用户 IP 地址进行限速。


Utilize the rate-limiting module to limit the rate of requests:

http {
    limit\_req\_zone $binary\_remote\_addr zone=limitbyaddr:10m rate=1r/s;
    limit\_req\_status 429;
    server {
        limit\_req zone=limitbyaddr burst=10 nodelay;

This example configuration creates a shared memory zone named

limitbyaddr. The predefined key used is the client’s IP address in

binary form. The size of the shared memory zone is set to 10 mega‐

bytes. The zone sets the rate with a keyword argument. The

limit_req directive takes two optional keyword arguments: zone

and burst. zone is required to instruct the directive on which shared

memory request limit zone to use. When the request rate for a given

zone is exceeded, requests are delayed until their maximum burst

size is reached, denoted by the burst keyword argument. The burst

keyword argument defaults to zero. limit_req also takes a third

optional parameter, nodelay. This parameter enables the client to

use its burst without delay before being limited. limit_req_status

sets the status returned to the client to a particular HTTP status

code; the default is 503. limit_req_status and limit_req are valid

in the context of HTTP, server, and location. limit_req_zone is

only valid in the HTTP context.


利用 rate-limiting 模块实现对请求限速:

http {
    limit\_req\_zone $binary\_remote\_addr zone=limitbyaddr:10m rate=1r/s;
    limit\_req\_status 429;
    server {
        limit\_req zone=limitbyaddr burst=10 nodelay;

实例中,创建了一个 10 M 存储空间的名为 limitbyaddr 的共享内存,并使用

二进制的客户端 IP 地址作为键名。limit_req_zone 还设置了访问速度。

limit_req 指令主要包含两个可选参数:zone 和 burst。zone 参数值即为

limit_req_zone 指令中 zone 参数定义的存储空间名。当用户请求超出限速

设置时,超出的请求将会存储至 burst 定义的缓冲区,直至也超出请求限速缓冲

速率,这是将响应 429 状态码给客户端。burst 参数默认值为 0。此外,limit_req

还有第三个参数 nodelay:它的功能是提供瞬时处理 rate + burst 个请求的能力。

limit_req_status 参数用于设置超出速率请求响应给客户端的状态码,默认是 503,

示例中设置为 429。limit_req_status 和 limit_req 指令适用于 HTTP、server 和

location 上下文。limit_req_zone 指令仅能在 HTTP 上下文中使用。


The rate-limiting module is very powerful in protecting against abu‐

sive rapid requests while still providing a quality service to every‐

one. There are many reasons to limit rate of request, one being

security. You can deny a brute force attack by putting a very strict

limit on your login page. You can disable the plans of malicious

users that might try to deny service to your application or to waste

resources by setting a sane limit on all requests. The configuration

of the rate-limit module is much like the preceding connectionlimiting module described in Recipe 12.1, and much of the same

concerns apply. The rate at which requests are limited can be done

in requests per second or requests per minute. When the rate limit is

hit, the incident is logged. There’s a directive not in the example:

limit_req_log_level, which defaults to error, but can be set to

info, notice, or warn.


rate-limiting 模块在项目中非常有用,通过防止瞬间爆发的请求,为每个用户



会导致其他用户无法使用服务或浪费了服务器资源。rate-limiting 模块有点类似



在示例中给出:limit_req_log_level 指令设置限速日志级别,它默认值为 error

级别,您还可以设置为 info、notice 或 warn 级别。



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