Part III: Deployment and Operations
This is the third and final part of the NGINX Cookbook. This part
will focus on deployment and operations of NGINX and NGINX
Plus, the licensed version of the server. Throughout this part, you
will learn about deploying NGINX to Amazon Web Services, Micro‐
soft Azure, and Google Cloud Compute, as well as working with
NGINX in Docker containers. This part will dig into using configu‐
ration management to provision NGINX servers with tools such as
Puppet, Chef, Ansible, and SaltStack. It will also get into automating
with NGINX Plus through the NGINX Plus API for on-the-fly
reconfiguration and using Consul for service discovery and configu‐
ration templating. We’ll use an NGINX module to conduct A/B test‐
ing and acceptance during deployments. Other topics covered are
using NGINX’s GeoIP module to discover the geographical origin of
our clients, including it in our logs, and using it in our logic. You’ll
learn how to format access logs and set log levels of error logging for
debugging. Through a deep look at performance, this part will pro‐
vide you with practical tips for optimizing your NGINX configura‐
tion to serve more requests faster. It will help you install, monitor,
and maintain the NGINX application delivery platform.