29.0 Introduction

Logging is the basis of understanding your application. With

NGINX you have great control over logging information meaning‐

ful to you and your application. NGINX allows you to divide access

logs into different files and formats for different contexts and to

change the log level of error logging to get a deeper understanding

of what’s happening. The capability of streaming logs to a central‐

ized server comes innately to NGINX through its Syslog logging

capabilities. In this chapter, we’ll discuss access and error logs,

streaming over the Syslog protocol, and tracing requests end to end

with request identifiers generated by NGINX.

29.0 介绍

日志记录是理解应用程序的基础。NGINX 服务器提供可控的日志记录方案,让

应用的日志能更好的服务开发运维。NGINX 能够依据不同上下文环境和不同的


NGINX 日志记录的实现原理是使用服务器的 syslog 日志功能。本章,我们将

学习访问日志、错误日志、syslog 日志协议和依据 NGINX 生成的日志标识跟


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