1.1 HTTP Load Balancing
You need to distribute load between two or more HTTP servers.
将用户请求分发到 2 台以上 HTTP 服务器。
Use NGINX’s HTTP module to load balance over HTTP servers
using the upstream block:
upstream backend {
server weight=1;
server app.example.com:80 weight=2;
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
This configuration balances load across two HTTP servers on port
- The weight parameter instructs NGINX to pass twice as many
connections to the second server, and the weight parameter defaults
to 1.
使用 NGINX 的 HTTP 模块,将请求分发到有 upstream 块级指令代理的 HTTP
upstream backend {
server weight=1;
server app.example.com:80 weight=2;
server {
location / {
proxy_pass http://backend;
配置中启用了两台默认 80 端口 HTTP 服务器构成服务器集群。weight 参数表示
没三个请求将有 2 个请求分发到 app.example.com:80 服务器,它的默认值为 1。
The HTTP upstream module controls the load balancing for HTTP.
This module defines a pool of destinations, either a list of Unix
sockets, IP addresses, and DNS records, or a mix. The upstream
module also defines how any individual request is assigned to any of
the upstream servers.
Each upstream destination is defined in the upstream pool by the
server directive. The server directive is provided a Unix socket, IP
address, or an FQDN, along with a number of optional parameters.
The optional parameters give more control over the routing of
requests. These parameters include the weight of the server in the
balancing algorithm; whether the server is in standby mode, avail‐
able, or unavailable; and how to determine if the server is unavail‐
able. NGINX Plus provides a number of other convenient
parameters like connection limits to the server, advanced DNS reso‐
lution control, and the ability to slowly ramp up connections to a
server after it starts.
HTTP 模块的 upstream 用于设置被代理的 HTTP 服务器实现负载均衡。模块
内定义一个目标服务器连接池,它可以是 UNIX 套接字、IP 地址、DNS 记录
或它们的混合使用配置;此外 upstream 还可以通过 weight 参数配置,如何
所有 HTTP 服务器在 upstream 块级指令中由 server 指令配置完成。server
指令接收 UNIX 套接字、IP 地址或 FQDN(Fully Qualified Domain Name: 全限
定域名) 及一些可选参数。可选参数能够精细化控制请求分发。它们包括用于负
载均衡算法的 weight 参数;判断目标服务器是否可用,及如何判断服务器可用
性的 max_fails 指令和 fail_timeout 指令。NGINX Plus 版本提供了许多其他