1.3 负载均衡算法(Load-Balancing Methods)
Round-robin load balancing doesn’t fit your use case because you
have heterogeneous workloads or server pools.
Use one of NGINX’s load-balancing methods, such as least connec‐
tions, least time, generic hash, or IP hash:
upstream backend {
server backend.example.com;
server backend1.example.com;
This sets the load-balancing algorithm for the backend upstream
pool to be least connections. All load-balancing algorithms, with the
exception of generic hash, will be standalone directives like the pre‐
ceding example. Generic hash takes a single parameter, which can be
a concatenation of variables, to build the hash from.
使用 NGINX 提供的其它负载均衡算法,如:最少连接数(least connections)、
最短响应时间(leaest time)、通用散列算法(generic hash)或 IP 散列算法(IP hash):
upstream backend {
server backend.example.com;
server backend1.example.com;
上面的 least_conn 指令为 upstream 所负载的后端服务,指定采用最少连接数
Not all requests or packets carry an equal weight. Given this, round
robin, or even the weighted round robin used in examples prior, will
not fit the need of all applications or traffic flow. NGINX provides a
number of load-balancing algorithms that can be used to fit particu‐
lar use cases. These load-balancing algorithms or methods can not
only be chosen, but also configured. The following load-balancing
methods are available for upstream HTTP, TCP, and UDP pools:
应用或负载需求。NGINX 提供了一系列的负载均衡算法,以满足不同的运用
都可以应用于 upstream 块级指令中的 HTTP、TCP 和 UDP 负载均衡服务器
Round robin
The default load-balancing method, which distributes requests
in order of the list of servers in the upstream pool. Weight can
be taken into consideration for a weighted round robin, which
could be used if the capacity of the upstream servers varies. The
higher the integer value for the weight, the more favored the
server will be in the round robin. The algorithm behind weight
is simply statistical probability of a weighted average. Round
robin is the default load-balancing algorithm and is used if no
other algorithm is specified.
轮询负载均衡算法(Round robin)
NGINX 服务器默认的负载均衡算法,该算法将请求分发到 upstream 指令块
Least connections
Another load-balancing method provided by NGINX. This
method balances load by proxying the current request to the
upstream server with the least number of open connections
proxied through NGINX. Least connections, like round robin,
also takes weights into account when deciding to which server
to send the connection. The directive name is least_conn.
最少连接数负载均衡算法(Least connections)
NGINX 服务器提供的另一个负载均衡算法。它会将访问请求分发到
upstream 所代理的应用服务器中,当前打开连接数最少的应用服务器
Least time
Available only in NGINX Plus, is akin to least connections in
that it proxies to the upstream server with the least number of
current connections but favors the servers with the lowest aver‐
age response times. This method is one of the most sophistica‐
ted load-balancing algorithms out there and fits the need of
highly performant web applications. This algorithm is a value
add over least connections because a small number of connec‐
tions does not necessarily mean the quickest response. The
directive name is least_time.
最短响应时间负载均衡算法(least time)
该算法仅在 NGINX PLUS 版本中提供,和最少连接数算法类似,它将请求
之一,能够适用于需要高性能的 Web 服务器负载均衡的业务场景。该算法
更快的响应。该指令的配置名称是 least_time。
Generic hash
The administrator defines a hash with the given text, variables
of the request or runtime, or both. NGINX distributes the load
amongst the servers by producing a hash for the current request
and placing it against the upstream servers. This method is very
useful when you need more control over where requests are sent
or determining what upstream server most likely will have the
data cached. Note that when a server is added or removed from
the pool, the hashed requests will be redistributed. This algo‐
rithm has an optional parameter, consistent, to minimize the
effect of redistribution. The directive name is hash.
通用散列负载均衡算法(Generic hash)
的是,在 upstream 中有应用服务器被加入或删除时,会重新计算散列进行
因应用服务器变更带来的负载压力。该指令的配置名称是 hash。
IP hash
Only supported for HTTP, is the last of the bunch. IP hash uses
the client IP address as the hash. Slightly different from using
the remote variable in a generic hash, this algorithm uses the
first three octets of an IPv4 address or the entire IPv6 address.
This method ensures that clients get proxied to the same
upstream server as long as that server is available, which is
extremely helpful when the session state is of concern and not
handled by shared memory of the application. This method also
takes the weight parameter into consideration when distribut‐
ing the hash. The directive name is ip_hash.
IP 散列负载均衡算法(IP hash)
该算法仅支持 HTTP 协议,它通过计算客户端的 IP 地址来生成散列值。
不同于采用请求变量的通用散列算法,IP 散列算法通过计算 IPv4 的前
三个八进制位或整个 IPv6 地址来生成散列值。这对需要存储使用会话,
该指令同样提供了权重参数选项。该指令的配置名称是 ip_hash。